Brace Kit

Kit for clean teeth with dental braces
The presence of fixed dental braces makes more difficult the cleaning of the teeth, supports the accumulation of plaque around the brackets and creates retentive niches that promote bacterial colonization.
For this purpose it has been studied “PRESIDENT PROFESSIONAL” Kit, specific for orthodontic treatment and containing all the necessary to maintain the best state of cleaning teeth.
The Kit contains:
1) Orthodontic Toothbrush
2) Single Tuft Toothbrush
3) Orthodontic Toothpaste
4) Pocket Dental Floss
5) Pocket Interdentalbrushes
6) Orthodontic Protective Wax

See also:

Toothpaste for braces and dental implants – RDA 30
Mouthwash for braces and dental implants


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